
So glad you are here!!

This is a Sign

To Take Aligned Action because I am telling you it is so different to surround yourself with other HSPs. It is a special and unique experience. And the more you connect the more you feel seen, heard, felt and understood at the level you understand others, at the level you deserve. It’s entirely natural and entirely mutual!

The HSP Way Community

The HSP Way IG Community

Are you a highly sensitive person?

Have you been told…

“You’re being too sensitive!” or “Just get over it and move on!”

And have you noticed you feel your feelings and life around you in a BIG way, different from others?

Well then you might be a Highly Sensitive Person, an HSP!

Take the self-quiz below to discover more about you! Make a note of how many of the following statments speak to you.

  1. I am sensitive to loud noises and busy environments.

  2. When I was a kid I was told I was too sensitive.

  3. There are some things I can do great on my own but when I have to do the same activity in front of someone else I don’t get the same results.

  4. I prefer low key activities.

  5. I love to be in nature, it soothes my soul.

  6. I easily notice subtleties in my environment that others do not.

  7. I connect with animals easily and understand their ways of communication.

  8. I don’t like to have a lot going on all at the same time.

  9. Violent and gruesome and scary shows/movies are not my cup of tea at all!!

  10. I enjoy art and creative outlets that are subjective.

  11. I don’t like making mistakes so it rarely happens.

  12. I don’t like when too many people are asking something of me, especially when I am already in the middle of something.

  13. My emotions get the best of me.

Now, count the number you statements that resonated with you.

If you identified with 50% or more it is most likely you are an HSP. YAY!!

And you know what, if you are…then you are in the right place!!!

When you are a minority and you don’t even realize it life will feel overwhelming!!! It can be isolating, lonely, and confusing!! Because YOU FEEL your experiences deeply and you notice and take in the life that is around you differently than 80% of the population.

So what does this really mean for you…? It means that…


And this can feel confusing as you adjust to realizing who you truly are so that is why I say HSPs need HSPs, so let’s grow community together & LFGO!! Follow the flow below!

Thank You for Being Here!

I hope you are as excited as I am! Alright, alright let’s be honest here…If You are an HSP , I am sure you are still processing all of this. So trust me when I tell you this is exciting! And it can feel like a lot, so def choose you fave way to connect and reach out! And if you are not a social mediaI send me an email at janemarie@thisisjanemarie.com. I can’t wait to hear from you!